Arts & Crafts Magazine

Happy Saturday!

By Dena13
Hello everyone! It's a good day, you wanna know why???  Tomorrow I leave to go to an oil painting workshop given by Dalhart Windberg for 3 days!! I am beyond excited just to meet the man, he is such a great artist.  I just hope that a fraction of his talent will rub off on my while I am there.
Anyhow, I have been working on stuff behind my blog that I can't show right now, but I did remember this card that I haven't showed yet.
Happy Saturday!
This is a Saturated Canary image, I think her name is Rose.  Anyhow, I colored it with Prismacolor Pencils on kraft cardstock.  I didn't like the glare of the pencil wax when it was done, so I went over it with Claudine Hellmuth Multi-Medium with a very thin layer and it worked like a charm.  The image appears printed onto the paper.  I love it!  I should have taken before and after pictures.  It didn't warp my paper or anything!!!!
I used Maja Design papers and frantage on the Cheery Lynn Butterflies!
P. S. You can take my class on Prismacolor Pencils HERE!!
Ok, I'm off to go pack for my trip!  I'm so excited!  I just hope I am not embarrassed! haha!
Here is just one of his amazing pieces of artwork:
Happy Saturday!
Have a wonderful Saturday!! Thank you for stopping by!
Hugs, Dena

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