I am intentionally beginning my new year
with not one wordbut twobecause I need the first to clear and open my heart for the second ...I need to actively practice forgivenessso my heart stays openand does not become infected withanger and judgment. Forgiveness is an easy word to saybut for me takes active daily participation to practiceand so much prayer.I always believethere are lessons to learn in every situationno matter the painI now ask GodWhat am I to learn from this ...and how can I share this in a way which can benefit others.
It has much more productiveand soulfulthan allowing myself to slip downthe preverbal rabbit hole.
Practicing forgivenessopens my heart to my second word
GratitudeIt is in gratitude thathappiness can manifestfor until we are truly gratefulnow matter how much we havewe will never be truly happy.
Aas always dear friends
I wish you much love and joyfor this New Year