Where did February go???
Slam, back to reality. So the Oscars are over now. Even though they were held this first weekend of March, to me it feels like the new month didn't start before today. I had a great time visiting friends in West Germany (not South, as one of them pointed out) and watching the award show in cinema with them - after a screening of the amazing Her. The post-Oscar depression isn't as big as I had expected because the show itself wasn't as mind-blowing as expected but still, I have to choose my own films now and not just watch what the Academy searched out for me. Anyway, that's a whole other (Oscar) post. I caught up with the last Best Picture noms and some indies of 2013 in February and almost (not really) reached my goal of watching one movie from each decade each month. You may also have noticed that this place looks a bit different - redesigning cost me a couple of sleepless nights but I'm pretty content with the way it looks now. Some other changes include updating my 100 FAVORITE FILMS list and a new social feature called SPREAD THE WORD. I also accepted that this is a movie blog and that I can live out my other passions in a different place (well, those not-at-all movie related ones at least). It's more of a mind thing, probably won't change anything for you. This monthly wrap-up is going to be a tad different than it was before too, but nothing big.

INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS (2013) 8.3 | Very funny and quite pretty to look at. Outer... Space!LAST NIGHT (2010) 8.0 | Full of inspiring and realistic conversations. BOOGIE NIGHTS (1997) 9.6 | I haven't been this surprised by a film in ages. RIP Philip Seymour. PHILOMENA (2013) 8.0 | Much stronger than expected. Although I wanted to punch those nuns. NEBRASKA (2013) 7.9 | A place never looked ugly in such a pretty way before. MEMENTO (2000) 9.7 | Finally!!! And yes, it's as good as they say. THE SPECTACULAR NOW (2013) 8.6 | I'm in love with Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley. INTOLERANCE (1916) 8.3 | Who would've expected this(!!!???) from Griffith? PAAN SINGH TOMAR (2010) 7.9 | Solid but slightly boring. SHERLOCK JR. (1924) 9.7 | It's official: I prefer Keaton over Chaplin. No offense. ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE (2013) 9.8 | I get the Hiddles thing too now. Also: best vampire film ever.

BRIGHT STAR (2009) 7.9 | A bit too romantic for 2014's me but still great. HAROLD AND MAUDE (1971) 8.9 | Been waking up to If you want to sing out, sing out for the last couple of weeks. ARMADILLO (2010) 8.4 | Still a very shocking doc. And I'm still a pacifist. THE EXORCIST (1973) 8.4 | Still not that scary - am I right, Ryan? PSYCHO (1960) 8.4 | Ever noticed how Bates swings his hips, ascending the stairs? HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN (2004) 9.5 | Very sirius.

SHORT: KISS (2011) | Cute and well-shot. Perhaps a little uninteresting but it's a short so whatever. TV: TRUE DETECTIVE (2014) | I see some parallels to True Blood but that's another post (yep, going to write it). Anyway, awesome intro, awesome actors, awesome show.
DE HELLIGE ABER (1981) by Rifbjerg ** | Why does every Danish book have to be a metaphor for sex? THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (2013) by Green ***** | I always thought reading this book in one day was just a cool tradition. Now I know that it's actually impossible to put down and not read in one day. HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE (2000) by Rowling ***** | Much more suspenseful than the previous three. THE ANGEL'S KISS (2012) by Malone/ Richards **** | I want to rewatch Doctor Who so badly.
SOUNDSThis part of the monthly post has been replaced with the music player above the header.
I always wondered why there are so few Bollywood parodies on youtube - here's the answer. It's pretty much perfect. By the way, We Wants It All is going to be a pure BookTube Channel now (book-to-movie videos included of course), however I'm planning on opening my own more spoofy channel in the future... but that could mean in a year or more.
Now it's your turn to tell me about your month. Did you finish eating the last Christmas sweets? (I didn't).