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Happy Holi

By Dreamcreate @THEdreamcreate

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One of my favorite parts of being married into a Hindu family, other than the food, are the rituals and festivals I’m privy to. Holi festival is without a doubt the most visually stimulating, it’s an explosion of color and happiness. According to tradition, on Holi day “good” triumphs over “bad”, enemies turn to friends, arguments are forgotten, people do not differentiate between the rich and poor, and everybody comes together.  The day is celebrated each spring, a way to welcome the plants in bloom, and the coming of spring.

Did I mention people throw paint at each other!

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In tribute to the festival, we had a rather messy and colourful day at ma-luxe studios! We did a beauty shoot inspired by the bright colours using a mixture of paint pigments and Paper Doll mineral makeup from The Green Kiss, applied with a very heavy hand.

Eternal thank you’s to Claire, Autumn, Shay and Criofan, my beautiful models for the day and the unfortunate clean up crew.

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Wishing everyone a spring full of color & happiness!

xo Alana

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