Food & Drink Magazine

Happy Friday Links: Authenticity

By Clairejustalittleless
Happy Friday Links: AuthenticityWelcome to my third week of Happy Friday Links. I hope you enjoy reading them - please let me know any thoughts. 

My aim is to offer some interesting reads and inspiration that might just save you endless trekking around the internet (but I know that's easier said than done and there's nothing quite like discovering a great new site/post for yourself). 

Something I've been pondering this week is authenticity. Am I living as I am because I'm trying to please others or conform to society's norms? To what extent are my lifestyle choices being influenced by trends? 

Here are my favorite clicks of the week - some of which fit in with this theme.

  • A heartfelt post by Ali from mylifemylove about Why I Left Teaching. It makes me wonder how authentic can teachers be if they have to sacrifice their own values and home lives for their job. 
  • From tiny buddha Embrace Who You Are (Not What People Expect You To Be)
  • Via The Guardian: Help! Is my quinoa killing the planet? I've just got to grips with pronouncing this 'superfood' but should I question my reasons for buying it? I'm looking for a balance - making healthy food choices but keeping it real. 
  • How to Lose Your Clutter Without Losing Your Soul from The Other Side of Complexity.
  • Keeping It Simple In Calm White and Wood from My Scandinavian Home. So visually calming and what about that outdoor space?!!!
  • This man strikes me as authentic. A fascinating interview with Andi Puddicombe co-founder of Headspace via Deliciously Ella (yes, she's on my reading list too). I love the way his early life choices have led to such fulfilling work, making a difference to the happiness of others. 

With these, enjoy your weekend!
Happy Friday Links: Authenticity

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