I still can't believe we have a 5 year old. Where did all the time go? It's unbelievable how much he's grown up in such a short time. Word cannot begin to express how much I love this kid and how he amazes me everyday.
Cy definitely does things his own way. He's the first to notice if something is out of place, even when we're driving he will inform me I am not driving in the right direction or a passed the place to turn. He will remember verbatim what you said, usually in the context to use it against you or when it really does not need to be repeated.
Cy will build anything he has instructions for in legos and put a puzzle together in a matter of seconds. His favorite things to do are create, play and imagine. He might dress up in the princess dresses at school but he'll stand up to the fact he can wear them if he wants to and make the other boys believe it. We also just learned he's been telling one of the boys in his class all sorts of things he can or doesn't have to do, the little boy went home and informed his parents Cyrus said he didn't have to take a nap today.