Can you believe it's been a whole year since you blessed us on this Earth? What an incredibly beautiful day that was.

Daddy made it home from Afghanistan in time for mommy to get induced and welcome you into the world. You were a stubborn little guy throughout my entire pregnancy, but once I was in labor, you couldn't wait to make your appearance.
I was only in labor for an hour and a half and after a short 30 minutes of pushing, you were here!

I was so overwhelmed with excitement, I could have held you forever. I never knew it was possible to love someone I didn't know, but you showed me that the love between a parent and child allows you to do just that.

You were perfect; a healthy 7 lbs, 9 oz, and 21 inches long. You had dark brown hair and the bluest of eyes. And you were all ours.

When daddy went back to Afghanistan, you were the only thing keeping me going. Your tiny little fingers wrapped around mine. Your fresh "baby" smell. Your beating heart as I held you. That's it. You and you alone kept me afloat.

Over this past year, we have watched you progress into a little man. From your first smile, to your first time rolling over, the first time you crawled, the first time you stood up by yourself, the first time you said a word, and the first time you walked.

We've watched you play with other children in the most gentle of ways, kiss and love on everyone you meet, and yearn to learn new things.

You are the most amazing thing in our lives. You've completed our family and made us want to be the best possible parents we can be for you. Our lives have changed for the better and there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for you.
I wish I could slow time down but we all know that can't be done. But I promise you I will keep you young as long as possible. I will embrace your imagination and encourage make believe. I will teach you about God, and manners, and being kind to people. I will always be here for you.
Enjoy this day Bubba; I know I will! Happy birthday baby!