Wow guys, this school year is almost over! I graduate next weekend with my Specialist in School Psychology degree. Brittany will be coming into town and spending almost a week. Can’t wait!
I don’t think I have these exact flats from Target but I have a leopard pair from there. Or is it Cheetah? Who care, I wear these suckers with just about everything.
I feel like everyone needs to watch at least one trashy reality show. Ok, let’s get real, I watch way more than one. I love The Real Housewives of Orange County. I don’t really watch any of the other Housewives but I’m always sucked back in to the OC.
I love cooking with quinoa. It is a healthy, filling food and can be mixed with a lot of stuff. True story, I actually just learned how to pronounce it correctly about 6 months ago. I used to say Kee-noah but finally learned that is is Keen-wah.
Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for reading!
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