Hampton Manor Wedding
My first Hampton Manor Wedding adventure with the amazing Charlie & Suzanne. A stunning venue is Hampton Manor with its stylish contemporary interior and beautiful 45 acre grounds. Charlie & Suze as she likes to called paid a visit after being recommended to me as their potential wedding photographer. It must have been over a year ago now. Their wedding was all held at Hampton Manor giving us plenty of time for photos.
I arrived on site and was eagerly awaiting my Hampton Wedding Wedding to begin. I always love photographing new venues as I tend to feel like a kid in a sweetie shop. Its good, its exciting. Charlie arrived with his ushers and was given a room to change in so we started his preparation photographs first before going upstairs to catch up with Suzanne and the girls. Hair stylist for the day was Fay Smith and make-up by Jodie Hazlewood. Suzanne’s dress was supplied by True Romantica Bridal and wow she looked amazing.
A Hampton Manor Wedding gives you the option for a civil ceremony in the log cabin and this is where Charlie and Suzanne held theirs. I had great registrars that day who gave me all the access I needed to record those all important vows.
A small selection from their incredible day.