Lifestyle Magazine

Halloween Costume Contest Winners

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
Halloween costume contest winners The tallies are in! Here are the winners of the 2013 2nd Annual Halloween Contest. There were some really wonderful submissions, but sadly, I had to limit it to just a few so I didn't make this a long post. I'm posting the rest to my Pinterest costume board. I LOVE Amelia Earhart and her plane, above, by Aubrey and Philip Westlund of Yes, Dear Studio. And Michelle and Brandon's Mr. Fantastic Fox costumes that she handmade herself. So beautiful.
Halloween costume contest winners  And good uni-brow Frida by Tess M. is one of my favorite ideas.
Halloween costume contest winners And you know I don't like scary costumes, but this one is so good. I mean even the all-white walls! It's so asylumy.
Halloween costume contest winners And I had to show Michele Brummer Everett's costume for 2013. A sharpener to complement last year's pencil. A bit morbid, no?
Halloween costume contest winners
And I LOVED these kid's costumes. A unicorn for Nohea by Jed and Tanei and a dinosaur, both so so awesome.
Halloween costume contest winners Now it's time for a tragic tale. You see, I meant to show our costumes here too, but after something funky happened, I have to wait for spring. Sounds odd, I know, but they're good. Trust me. Just keep up the excitement would ya?
Winners! You'll receive a prize of either chocolate from Cocoa Vitale (delicious stuff!) or some beautiful stationery from Darling Clementine. Congrats and thanks for entering! 

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