As if they didn’t already have enough going for them, it turns out that Haim are pretty ace dancers! The retro-inspired video for “If I Could Change Your Mind” came out last week, and it’s filled with gorgeous close-ups and a simple, tight dance routine. The dance, choreographed by the famed Fatima Robinson (Aaliyah, Janet Jackson), does wonders to up the siren-like qualities of the three sisters. Their figures swing and swirl, and lights oscillate as the sultry power ballad unfolds. Video director Warren Fu (Daft Punk’s “Lose Yourself to Dance”) employed quick, assertive cuts and gave the song a distinctively retro feel. The casual, elegant vibe that the Haimsisters are known for shines through. When you get right down to it, it’s the infectious beat of “If I Could Change Your Mind”, and not the perfectly executed or complicated choreography, that will make you watch this video over and over again.