Spirituality Magazine

Hadel Ma’ayeh Interviewed on the Orthodox Christian Network

By Mba @mbartoloabela

Hadel Ma’ayeh interviewed on the Orthodox Christian NetworkOur Jordanian-American author and HuffPost Passionista, Hadel S. Ma'ayeh, has just been interviewed by Chris Vlahonasios in the program The Moving Icon on the Orthodox Christian Network. You can hear the interview by clicking here or on the first link above.

Hadel spoke about her book of poems, haikus and sayings titled From the Heart: A Journey of Love, published by Hope and Life Press in October 2014. She also narrated a few lines from one of her poems and spoke about how being Jordanian, with personal ancestry dating back to the Crucifixion, she experiences the current plight of the persecuted Christians in the Middle East. From the Heart: A Journey of Love is available in paperback and ebook editions from Amazon and major booksellers.

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