Fashion Magazine

Guest Post: Places for a Cup of Tea

By Heidi @missfinn
Hi. I'm Joanna, a writer for Design Shuffle an online site for interior designers to share their portfolios of beautiful homes and work spaces. I search the web daily for the most beautiful interior design ideas to share on blogs I Like, I Wish, I Heart. Today's guest post here is about special places--perfect places to relax and enjoy a cup of tea.There ís nothing like a hot cup of tea in the perfect spot with a good friend or favorite tome. The following rooms and spaces offer a perfectly lovely spot for the tea ritual. Where do you take your tea? Indoors in the kitchen? Outdoors under a gazebo? There ís really no bad place for a tea party whether you're by yourself or joined by a group. Pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the beautiful images I've gathered to inspire you.
 Perfect Places  This living room with its lovely colors and patterns makes you want to tuck your feet in on the sofa and spend the afternoon sipping your favorite brew.Perfect Places  The kitchen table is one of the most comforting spots to enjoy tea. The cups and saucers are just waiting to be filled. The open shelf is one of those truly appealing kitchen design ideas that are also very practical.Perfect Places  If there ever was a truly "perfect" spot for a tea party this is it! What a romantic outdoor room all set with old wicker and iron furnishings.    Perfect Places  A cup of tea goes well when you are working from home. This desk offers quite a Zen space for enjoying a mug of green tea.Perfect Places  Need dining room design ideas? Can you imagine enjoying tea in this dining room with the fireplace lit and the air scented by fresh blooms?Perfect Places  On a perfect spring day, tea in on the lawn is a lovely experience. Croquet anyone? We'll file this one under decorating ideas for outdoor spaces.  Tea TimeThe padded wicker chair, light gray sofa, and sunlight provide the perfect atmosphere for a cup of tea and a deep conversation.                       Perfect Places 
A corner in the home library is a relaxing spot to curl up with a good book or two and enjoy a mug of chamomile with fresh mint. Images 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8Which one of these designs is your favourite?
Be sure to check out Design Shuffle to find the best inspiration from top Boston interior designers, San Francisco interior designers and more!
Thank you Joanna and Design Shuffle for this delightful post on inspirational places to relax and enjoy a cup of tea. I think I'll go make one for myself right now.

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