This is a guest post from the wonderful and talented Lucinda.

Without wishing to generalise the sexes with a statement of vulgar and mislead sexism one could venture that a woman’s desire to sling the season’s ‘It-Bag’ over her arm is akin to a man’s desire to sit behind the wheel of a four horse power sports car. I wouldn’t say that though as I’m not sexist and because I can imagine that there are many women who couldn’t care less about handbags, I for one would be fantastically happy to take both the bag and the car in equal measures. Not that there is a great need for a car in central London but you know what they say about beggars not being choosers and all that. What is it in particular about well-made luxurious handbagsand shoes that get women’s hearts racing? Why is it that some women are prepared to throw the equivalent of a months’ worth of rent at designers for something that can only carry a small quantity of your everyday essentials. Because let’s face it; the priority of ‘It-Bags’ is not first and foremost to be practical; you’re never going to be able to fit a laptop into a Fendi Baguette. So it’s definitely not the fact that they’re incredibly practical, is it because they’re beautiful? You certainly can’t deny their beauty but I have a sneaking suspicion that there is something more to women’s desires to own these prime slices of designer real estate; the kudos. Everyone instantly clocks when the latest hot blogger walks by with this season’s latest offering from Alexander McQueen and she knows you’ve noticed. That must be designer guarantee that comes with the extortionate price; that everyone you walk by will stare at you in envy. Owning an ‘It-Bag’ is not going to make you happier and it’s probably not going to make you any friends, well not the right sort of friends anyway. Spending hundreds if not thousands of pounds on a piece of leather might not necessarily mean that you’re richer but it could mean that you have slightly worse credit rating than the rest of us. Regardless of all of this; no self-respecting woman would turn up her nose at the chance to be the owner of a coveted designer bag, no matter who she is or how much she claimed not to care. So we’ve taken the liberty of going through some of history’s most popular and iconic ‘It-Bags’, some that are still available to the lucky few and some that we can simply admire from afar (and maybe buy the incomparably cheaper versions from the high street!) So in no particular order; everything from McQueen to Mulberry and everything in between!

(Prada Backpack)Made famous in the 1990s and immortalised by Bianca in ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ when she stated that she liked her Sketcher trainers ‘but I love my Prada backpack’. Admired for its simple design and hardy waterproof fabric Prada backpacks were instantly popular with fashionista’s for its style and practicality.

Laura x
posted on 10 January at 13:01
Your story-telling style is witty, keep doing what you're doing! foundation