Gardening Magazine

Growing Media

By Jules
If you've opened a newspaper or clicked on a news website in the last few weeks you can't have failed to have fallen over an article, press release or review on the subject of gardening or gardening events. It's that time of year where the clocks go forward so we get longer days and the weather starts to warm up so everything in the garden begins to sprout forth. Much like the PR machines, marketing departments and journalists I guess.
Just a few short weeks ago was the annual press launch of the NGS's Yellow Book at the Royal Festival Hall. I was invited but, having already booked a ski holiday that spanned the launch date, could only follow on Twitter as excitable media and gardening types posted photos and comments during the canapes and drinks reception. The NGS is celebrating its 85th anniversary in 2012 which made for an extra layer of celebration. The amusing video below was made by Joe Swift, Cleve West and James Alexander-Sinclair to mark the anniversary.

Last week saw the RHS London Plant Fair open over 2 days at the RHS halls in Victoria. Daffodil, camellia, bonsai and photography competitions abound in one hall and nursery and seed suppliers trading their wares in the other. I came extremely close to buying a nectarine tree, but thankfully common sense got the better of me. A bad back, a tube and a train home are not the best companions for a 3 foot potted tree so I decided instead to make my purchase online from the comfort of a chair at home. I did stop at my favorite secondhand garden book stand and acquired a lovely book entitled: The Sun King's Garden, which I shall be putting away until my intended visit to Versailles later this year.
And finally, it's been raining all night and morning so that must mean National Gardening Week has arrived. This RHS-delivered event is designed to encourage people into gardening and to celebrate gardens and gardeners all over the UK. Events are in full swing at each of the 4 RHS gardens every day this week as well as a range of other gardens across the country - you can weave willow structures, pot up perennials, get involved in a gardening careers Q&A and join a guided tour. I, for one, will be heading to RHS Wisley later in the week to see what's going on.
In the meantime, I've decided to mark National Gardening Week by offering a 10% discount on my vintage garden items on Etsy. Click here or on the side banner and you'll find the coupon code on my Ember Gate shop front.

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