Yesterday, at Old Navy, my mom, my sister and myself were shopping there for some new clothes (a lot haha). We picked out some cute stuff, tried on all our stuff, and I ended up getting the majority of the clothes. We went up to the check out stand, piles of clothes ready to be purchased in our arms and we wait in line. We get called up to a register and we set our clothes down, we make small talk with the cashier and all of a sudden the lights flicker and the whole Old Navy goes dark. The cashier was like, "Oh no... they are doing construction next door, the lights flickered yesterday, but not a black out." My mom told my to sister run out of the store to see if the whole Gresham Station was blacked out, and it WAS!The whole entire Gresham Station. Poor people at Red Robin, eating in the dark and the cooks in the middle of mid cook.and I, of course, got my phone out of my purse and I said, "I'm going to tweet about this!" and another Cashier was like, "Mention me in the tweet! I'll tweet about it when I get home too!" The cashier's kept apologizing. :( oh terrible. But it was so fun! We ended up putting our stuff on hold. As we were leaving, I snapped a few snap shots of the dark Old Navy. During this whole time, I was in pajama pants from having a pajama party with Isabelle right before we went to Old Navy. We stepped out of Old Navy and saw the whole place was black! No street lights, no traffic lights, it looked like the whole place closed down because of some disease but it was just a black out. Even Gresham Town Fair right across the street, another area full of stores and restaurants was dark! We decided to go to Glass Butterfly to grab up my TOMS, and we were worried that it would be all dark too. When we got there, we got my TOMS but since TOMS stretch a half size, I decided to get a size 6.5 so that it will stretch to a 7. My mom told the employee there about Gresham Station and Gresham Town Fair about the black out and the employee said, "Yeah, the lights flickered, but we didn't know what it was. Wow!" It was kinda the talk of Glass Butterfly and between mom, Brittney and me. We ended up buying my TOMS, I got three shirts and my mom got four shirts at Glass Butterfly. All in all, it was a pretty exciting day! We get our Old Navy stuff today.