Eco-Living Magazine

Green Garage: Eco-Friendly Car Maintenance

Posted on the 14 October 2011 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

Green Garage: Eco-Friendly Car MaintenanceWhen one thinks about being eco-friendly, driving a car does not necessarily come to the top of the list. Some cars are more fuel-efficient than others, but all require massive energy inputs in their creation and maintenance. Beyond gasoline and electricity for internal combustion engines, hybrid gasoline-electrics, and the up-and-coming electric vehicles, the materials required to keep the cars running (think tires, motor oil, timing belts, and wiper blades) vary depending on the propulsion system, but all require material inputs.

Green Garage tries to combat some of the issues that arise in the area of car maintenance. With locations in the Boulder and Denver area, Green Garage offers services to help reduce oil consumption by increasing efficiency.

Green Garage offers some 60 green products. These include:

Motor Oil

We offer two Green Garage™ approved earth and wallet friendly oil options: choose a re‐refined oil or one made from bio-based animal by-products. Both are API approved and last up to 24,000 miles when matched with our dual stage oil filter. C’mon, step up and do your part to reduce waste and our dependence on foreign oil.

Nitrogen Tire Fill

Your tires can leak regular air and become under-inflated in as little as one week, sapping fuel economy as much as 3%. So why not blow them up right and fill your tires with nitrogen. Nitrogen’s molecules are much bigger than plain air so it slows leakage, is less variable in changing temperatures and extends tire life by minimizing the tire‐deteriorating water vapor produced by air.

Pulse Plugs

Increase your fuel economy up to 10% with patented pulse plugs. Unlike the old school, 100‐year old technology spark plugs found in most cars, pulse plugs have a built in battery‐like capacitor that stores and then releases a perfectly timed, 2 nanosecond high energy pulse that burns fuel hotter and cleaner.

According to their website, an oil change at Green Garage can save customers “up to 32% or $90 vs conventional changes. Our dual stage oil filter can increase fuel economy up to 5%, last twice as long as normal filters and decrease oil use by 70%.” If you live in the Denver or Boulder area, click here to schedule an appointment.

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