Grain-Free Corndog. So yum. So cute and wrinkly from sitting.
I had a hankering for corndogs this week, and just could not get my mind off of this recipe that I found the other day. I added it to my Pinterest "Food And Drink Are Yum" board, and even threw it over into my Pocket app so that when it came down to cook it, I would have the recipe on hand on my mobile wifi device (I lovingly call my Samsung Galaxy Player my "not-phone").
I admit I was kind of lazy to try out this particular recipe because although the ingredients and prep were super simple, recipes that call for deep fried always kinda put the lazy into me -- well, to be honest they make me uncomfortable. I wonder which pot is better for the oil, then while heating the oil I get all antsy micromanaging it... and my past deep frying experiences were always with vegetable oil which has a low smoke point, making it more unhealthy, plus more volatile at high heats... not to mention the stuff pops like crazy and smells really, really bad. My brain starts to panic about grease fires and oil burns...
Well, normally I use coconut oil, butter, or ghee for most of my other cooking needs, so I don't know why I never thought to use coconut oil for deep frying as well. Coconut oil used to be the oil of choice for frying once upon a time, and now it's making a comeback. Plus, the Satisfying Eats recipe called for coconut oil, so I was like... sure, why not? Well, now I don't know why I ever used anything else. It smells great, has a low smoke point, didn't pop everywhere... felt totally comfortable using it to fry with. :) Yaay.
As as for the corndogs? So. Freaking. Good. I made half a batch with less sweetener (my sweetener of choice is either brandname or generic Truvia), and half a batch with more sweetener. I think in order to balance out the naturally bitter and nutty taste of the almond meal, more sweetener wins. Both batches were good, but the sweeter version was just so much better. I used Oscar Meyer Selects Turkey Hotdogs, but next time will definitely opt for either beef or the classic mix of beef/pork/chicken, because turkey hotdogs just have a weird mix of mild, yet distinct flavor that I just can't get over... but even when using my less favorite version of hotdog, I still loved these grain-free corndogs.

Grain-free corndogs on chopsticks. Half the batch already eaten by me and my dad. ;)
Visit Satisfying Eats for the original recipe.
I doubled my batch and used a total of 8 hotdogs (16 when cut in half). These are the ingredients I used, and the measurements. Make sure to visit the original recipe for cooking instructions!
Grain-Free Corndogs (No corn in these, yay!)
- 1 1/2 cups almond flour (I used Bob's Red Mill Almond Flour)
- 2 tsp baking powder (I used Bob's Red Mill Aluminum-Free Baking Powder)
- Stevia or Truvia to taste (I used about 3-4 packets of Truvia. See this guide for conversions)
- 1/4 tsp salt (I used Korean Solar Salt)
- 4 eggs
- 8 hot dogs cut in half (I used Oscar Meyer Selects Turkey Hotdogs)
Such a nice treat when you're grain and/or gluten free :)