At the White House 10 (Photo credit: afagen)
At midnight on September 30th the U.S. government will once again be on the brink of a government shutdown. Looming deadlines of default have become commonplace for today’s politicians. An über-partisan, political climate has created an environment of animosity, redundancy and more importantly inadequacy. While government shutdowns aren’t new (since 1976, there have been 17 separate government shutdowns per The Washington Post) they are certainly a byproduct of an inability to realize the circumstances and challenges of this country. It is a byproduct of meagerness amongst politicians.
While the U.S. government continues to fall from grace into an economic abyss, House GOP members, led by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), focus their efforts on defunding the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a Obamacare). They refuse to fund the government, by increasing the debt limit, if at the least Obamacare isn’t delayed for one year. They believe the law is so egregious and catastrophic to our economy they are willing to single-handily hamper a meager recovery for their personal gains.
In addition, the House of Representatives narrowly approved vast reductions to the food stamp program on Thursday. Their goal they say is to “reduce a growing dependence on government programs.” Interestingly enough at no point have I ever read Congress or any politician for that matter think of reducing their dependence on the U.S. government. While their entitlements remain safeguarded from alterations, they continue to slash the assistance needed by thousands of individuals. Regardless of each looming calamity, they continue to take their bountiful vacations.
The GOP’s obsession with Obamacare is literally pathetic and unbehooving of U.S. politicians. Is the law perfect? NO. But regardless of their opinions it is still the law, especially after the Supreme Court upheld it. Personally while I think there are some areas I would alter (individual mandate, small businesses of 50 employees or more forced to provide healthcare) I do not advocate for a full repeal of the law. There are many areas that were desperately needed (such as the pre-existing provision).

Official portrait of United States House Speaker (R-Ohio). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Threatening a government shutdown based on one’s ignorance to reality and blatant and foolish stubbornness is preposterous. Our politicians might think this childish bickering is okay but I certainly don’t. This is not a game. The government cannot continue to threaten thousands of people of furlough. Irate doesn’t even begin to describe my thoughts over this dumb predicament.
If our government officials continue to fail to execute their duties, then by all means they should resign. There are many Americans who need a job. The House GOP might think they are making a point in this debate. Their ignorance to reality is why they’ve lost the past two presidential elections. If the government is “shutdown” President Obama will not be blamed. The House GOP will be blamed. As well as they should be. The GOP will never, and I mean never, regain any credibility if it continues to lead with narrow-minded thinking and selfishness.
The fact Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has stated the government will subsequently default on its loans on October 18th is what is more disconcerting. How is it socially and morally acceptable for politicians to maneuver this country in such a quandary? The House GOP must act NOW on ensuring the government continues to be funded. They should give up on their obsession with defunding Obamacare. It will never happen. It’s like the U.S. economy is a sinking boat and as we gulp in water and slowly sink to the abyss the House GOP which own the lifeboats decry they will only save us it Obamacare is defunded. Someone surely needs to get their priorities in order.
I don’t think this is funny.
I don’t think Americans think this is funny.
You’ve lost the argument with your absurd obsession.
Whoever is in charge of political strategy for the GOP is an idiot. Continue to play the role of obstructionists and they will lose the debate each and every time.
I hope they realize this simple truth.
What do you think?
Are the House GOP tactics warranted?
Twitter: @adrakontaidis & @talkrealdebate