How's your Monday been so far? Photo credit: Nick Farnhill.
At what time today did you first crack a smile? If you were stuck behind a desk at work it was almost certainly at some point after 11.16. That’s according to new research into Mondays, and how much most of us hate them, which has been conducted, somewhat bizarrely, by yeast extract manufacturers Marmite.
Other study findings, reported on Monday in The Daily Telegraph, reveal that half are late for work on Monday after struggling to get up after the weekend and most only manage three and a half hours of productive work. And when British workers aren’t late or ill-motivated they are likely moaning – the research team found 45 to 54-year-olds spend 12 minutes of an average Monday moaning about it being … well, Monday.
- It’s tribal. “According to experts the hatred of Monday mornings is governed by deep-rooted tribal instincts,” said The Daily Telegraph. “Workers like to feel part of their tribe again after the weekend and need to chat to each other and spend time in communal areas, according to clinical psychologist Professor Alex Gardner.”
“Monday mornings so depressing you won’t crack a smile until 11.16am according to new Marmite survey. Try 4.30pm on Friday,” tweeted Connect_PR.
- How to respond to Monday blues. Marmite detailed five ways to combat the Monday blues: 1 Watching TV 2 Sex 3 On-line shopping 4 Buying chocolate or make-up 5 Planning a holiday. “Thank god for Marmite science!,” sniped Jeff Neumann at Gawker. “Now we know that people hate Mondays, but like to eat, bone and watch TV.” Neumann uncharitably described Marmite as “tar-like, semi-edible spreadable substance from Britain.”
How’s your Monday been? Awful? Or do you actually quite enjoy Mondays? Let us know, leave a comment below.
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