Just as usual logged in to Google Plus today and its something new is visible on screen with a greetings message “Welcome to the New Google+” ! Today Google Plus UI seems to be changed.
It’s main target is

Google Plus Red Logo
A simpler, more beautiful stream
A brand new version of Hangouts

Google Plus New Design is Now Live
New ways to make good photos great
Navigate Around Google+ with Home Menu.
Bring conversations to Life with Hangouts.
Make your photos look better than ever.
All your photos are instantly organized.

Google Plus Photos Instantly Organized
Just photos that you’ve added yourself, starting with the most recent.
Along with that there is an option to see whats new … https://plus.google.com/photos/whatsnew
We can highlight photos.
All photos are automatically enhanced - Auto-enhance makes improvements to each photo that you add, accentuating important details and helping your images look their best. If you don’t like the changes, it’s easy to undo them.
A little extra awesome - Surprise your friends with fun new versions of your pictures, automatically created from the photos in your library. Just upload a set of similar photos, and Google+ will do the rest.