Project Glass is still in its’ early preview mode, but Google has already started to ban apps and services for the new product. They have already gotten rid of porn app for Glass and just recently the tech giant stated that they won’t allow the use of facial recognition on Glass because of privacy concerns, according to Slate. But, it will not be banned forever as Google has already made plans to use this technology on Android to allow users to unlock a device using facial expressions.
Now Engadget brings the latest news, Google has “obtained a new patent for a method that requires users to make a series of facial expressions to gain access to a system. Essentially, the patent claims a method where a device captures two images of a user, then compares the differences in the images to identify a facial gesture and authenticate the user.”
Google is still not ready to bring out the big guns before getting a public opinion on Glass. It seems like they will slowly make facial recognition more common to everyone by embedding it to Android powered smartphones and tablets. Depending on the reaction and its’ development, they will start to roll out more features that uses face recognizing technology. All guessing aside, one thing is clear that facial recognition can be the future of passwords.
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Roshan Jerad Perera