Fashion Magazine

Goodbye Summer. Hello Fall!

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
Out with the old, and in with the new!
Living in the Valley of the Sun (aka Arizona) there really isn't a big difference transitioning from summer to fall.  Well, there might be a few.  It gets darker earlier.  Keep in mind for Arizona the time never changes.  Its cooler in the morning and late evening. in the 70's, but, we still reach the high 90's during the day.  However, it is rather refreshing!  There really isn't a fall color change to see.  Unfortunately, the color isn't really evident unless you head up north, to the forest. 
If you haven't noticed this is my first blog post in about 1-1/2 months.  I took a mini-hiatus.  Sometimes, when in doubt - one just needs to step away.  And I did just that.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue to blog.  I really wasn't.  I was perplexed.  I decided I'll step away and come back and see how I feel. 
Well, I'm back!  Life is and will continue to be interesting and it will forever cease to amaze me.  It's been an interesting journey.  I've got some pretty amazing friends and family that have remained up close and personal over the last year.
Let me just say that over the last year I have evolved.  I've learned a few things I didn't know about myself.  I've also had a few a-ha moments.  I've surprised myself.  I've done a lot of thinking.  I've re-thought a few important decisions that I've made.  And most importantly, I have changed my perspective.
I'm charging forward into Fall!  How about you?  What things are you leaving behind in summer and starting anew with this fall?
Goodbye Summer. Hello Fall!

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