Food & Drink Magazine

Goodbye, Kitty. A Guide To The Humble Sandwich Box.

By Pepper Bento

Hi there!

Today is my anniversary!

Me and my husband have been married now for 4 years!

Before I rush off and enjoy the lovey dovey festivities I wanted to share my latest project with you.

Have you ever seen a sandwich box and thought to yourself “What sandwich would fit in that?”.

Well, I have, so I decided to run some experiments on this cute little Hello Kitty sandwich box.
Don’t worry, no boxes were hurt in the making of this test.

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box

I tried 4 different loaves from 4 different brands to see just what bread would fit into this box.

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Hovis

First off was a Hovis Soft White loaf.

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Hovis 2

Nope….I’m not sure the shoe fits.

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Hovis 3

Phew, I was wrong, the Hovis loaf fits after all.

Next up was a Kingsmill Great White loaf.

Just for the record this bread is not made of sharks.

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Kingsmill Great White

This one looks even worse than the first.

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Kingsmill Great White 2

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Kingsmill Great White 3
Again, I was wrong, yay!
I’m not a very good judge of space I guess.

The third victim, I mean…..loaf..was a Roberts Bakery Soft White loaf.

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Roberts Bakery Thick Soft White

I think this one might fit with a little coaxing….I have an idea….

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Roberts Bakery Thick Soft White 3

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Roberts Bakery Thick Soft White 4

That is one snug sarnie.

Last but not least I tried out this mini Warburtons Crusty Premium White Sliced Loaf.

Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Warburtons Crusty


Hello Kitty Sandwich Box Warburtons Crusty 2


This sandwich box is incredibly successful if you like sandwiches of hellish doom.

If you enjoy a bit of relaxing origami, folding pieces of bread into this could be a relaxing new hobby.

Lets get serious now.
None of the biggest brands here in the UK had a chance.
Even the Warburtons Crusty Loaf, which is specifically a very small loaf, wouldn’t fit.

To be honest, this isn’t just the problem of this specific sandwich box, many are made in a size that would only be suitable for…….er…….petit…mini….dwarfen breads of littleness?

All in all, don’t buy a sandwich box.
Unless you can stow a piece of your usual bread in a pocket and whip it out in a shop for the proper measurements it may well be useless.

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