Books Magazine

Goodbye 2012, Say Hello to 2013

By Theliteraturelion @LiteratureLion
It seemed like I rushed 2012 out so I could start fresh and new with 2013. But ya know what? I'm totally okay with that. 2012 was a terrible year for me, and I vow to make this one a billion and two times better.
2012 was a tough year for many reasons - in both my personal life and my online life.
Starting with the personal stuff. My boyfriend and I just had our one year anniversary in December, and that may seem like nothing to some people, but it's a big deal when you have commitment issues and you're not one for relationships. He was the one highlight of my year, but he also brought some downfalls. In October he left for Air Force Basic Training, but returned after a four weeks because he had injuries and couldn't continue training. That brought on some crazy events within his family that I was thrown into, but thankfully we all pulled through.
My reading and blogging life has been pretty hectic. I stopped blogging at the end of 2011, and didn't pick up again until March 2012. Therefore, there were a good chunk of time with no blogging. Then, once again, mid August, I stopped blogging until the end of November. Blogging-wise, it was a BAD, BAD year.
This is one of the years that I'm actually making resolutions. Let me tell you: there's a lot.
Blogging and Reading Goals:
One goal that I've been doing really well at over the past year was planning out my posts. I always have a list of upcoming posts at the side of my blog so I always know what to post about on a given day! Otherwise I have some other goals that I want to achieve!
  • Blog at least once a day, or 4-5 times a week. I know it's going to be hard, but I want to have a regularly posted blog! 
  • Write reviews right when I finish the book. I swear, there are books from three months ago that I still haven't written reviews for. Thankfully, I'm thinking of ways to work them into my blog, but I feel that it wouldn't happen if I just typed up reviews right when I finished reading the book!
  • Comment more! I don't comment on people's reviews very much. The ones I tend to comment on are the Stacking the Shelves/In My Mailbox posts. I need to comment back on people that comment on my blog as well as comment on other people's reviews and memes!
  • Complete my 150+ book challenge. This one is going to be very important to me this year. I'm hoping to read the most books I've ever read! 
  • Participate in more read-a-thons. I think last year I participated in maybe three read-a-thons, but all I did was read the books. I didn't make any extra posts besides my starting one, or participate in the discusstions. I'm hoping to do more of that! 
  • Become more active on Twitter. I've kind of faded away from Twitter ever since people from my school joined and started following me. I think I need to become more open about things and not be afraid who sees! I need to just strike up a conversation with other bloggers and authors! 
  • Reach 500 followers. I'm only at 260-some right now, but I think if I work hard enough I can definitely get it higher up there!
  • Make a book blogging friend around my age. I had some people on Twitter that I would talk to, but I never really considered them a good friend and half of them stopped blogging. I want someone my age or older, (maybe even younger!) that I can relate to and talk to! Any volunteers?
  • Feature more authors on the blog. I think last year I had two interviews throughout the whole year. I'm hoping to do at least one interview per month! 
Personal Goals: I have these goals posted on a sticky note above my computer so I'm able to see these all the time. I'm hoping to stick to these as much as possible this year! 
  • Say "no" every once in a while. I'm terrible at this. Any time anyone asks me to help them or do something for them, I immediately say "yes" without thinking things through.
  • Take a photo every day of something that inspires me or makes me happy. I've been doing this on Instagram, and you can follow me @alexisneuville23. I use the hashtag #pictureadayfor2013 and #thingsthatmakemehappy
  • Take care of myself first sometimes. I'm known for putting others before me. This correlates with the first one, because whenever someone needs help, I put that at the top of my to-do list and it bites me in the bum sometimes.
  • Stop being so afraid and start living instead. I'm not one to have fears, but I hold back when it comes to certain things. I know it's a cliche, but YOLO.
  • Save money to prove I can actually do it. My parents always poke fun at me because I never save up for something. I do have some money in my bank account for school, but I feel like I need to save up for something more. Maybe a new laptop, or a trip. 
  • Go amazing places. I want to ride on a plane this year, since I've never done it before. I'm hoping to go to the RT Convention or some other book convention this year as well!
  • Become more independent. I'm a junior in high school, and most people consider me independent, but I still rely on my parents for quite a bit. I want to do things on my own and buy things without having to get money from my parents. 
  • Laugh more, cry less. This past year has been a big cryfest for me on certain levels, and this year that needs to change. 
  • Dedicate myself to my routines. I started doing workout routines, make-up routines, blogging routines, and all that good stuff and I really want to stick to them this year.
  • Never have a reason to say "I'm bored." There were a couple times this year where I mentioned that I was bored and I NEVER want to do that again. I can always be reading, or working on my blog, or something else like that. If anything, I should be saying, "I'm too lazy to do the things I need to do." :P
This year is going to be a tough one, but I have a feeling if I stick to these goals then I will be a happy person overall! Do you have any New Years resolutions? 

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