Remember the early 2008/2009 personal style fashion blogger? I do. I look back on those times with a smile. It was before bloggers were "sponsored"; before random gift packages from American Apparel appeared on doorsteps, and before the rise of the photographer boyfriend, who had an insane amount of talent in Photoshop. It was before fashion bloggers removed .blogspot or .wordpress from their names and before they were flown half way across the world to sit front row at fashion shows. Yes, the fashion blogger has come a long long way since those "early days". Now, we have professional full time fashion bloggers.

Now, I will be the very first to state that this may very well be the ultimate dream job. I mean, I see nothing better than dressing up, taking a few photos - well, pretty much doing what we all do now - and getting paid for it. Getting flown around the world, and going to parties where you are the guest of honor, and getting free clothes and STILL getting paid for it. Yes, it sounds like a dream job. Imagine - don't feel like posting an outfit one day? Well, post one of your cat/dog/handmade cupcakes: 234 comments and 30 re-tweets. Awesome.

Enter one twisted sense of reality. How many of us have stressed over the fact that we don't have 6,000+ Google followers? Or consistent 70+ comments on each post? If many of you have not, I congratulate you. I stressed. I got caught up in the hype, and lost my focus. I started to look for reassurance and value in all the wrong places. I forgot that I was sharing, and started to think that I should be on center stage. That and, my boyfriend should be "more supportive". Did he want to take a photography class? Or learn Photoshop? "NO"? Well, Why not?!

So, I took a break. I refocused, got my ---- straight and reminded myself what this blogging business was all about - sharing, inspiring others, and forgetting the numbers game.Personally, I think I'm lucky. I've found something that I absolutely love, and I have even made some very valuable friendships in the process. I say: let the posing with the point and shoot while utilizing the 10 second timer and tripod, re-commence.
Also, the blog will now have a different feel. Each month, I will sit down and plan out the theme for up coming posts, reviews, etc. I will have scheduled days for posting, that way my readers know when and what will be posted. Want to know what's coming up? Click the tab! I have many features that I am super excited about such as the bi-monthly French Lesson, The weekend blogger catch up, and more! Of course 50% of my posts will be outfits.
It's good to be back.
*Disclaimer: I have been following Rumi of Fashiontoast for 3 years now. I have nothing, nothing against this girl.