Hair & Beauty Magazine

Good Night :)

By Makeuptemple @makeuptemple


Hi Girls I was pretty lazy last week, I did not do any blog posts, but I was busy as well,  I went to a beauty event in Hampton. This Lady who was kind enough to invite me to her event have a nice SPA and she uses botanical skin care and body products.

Her Spa is really lovely, and she has a friendly environment. She is also working on her botanical products, i think she is waiting for her grant/permission to release the products.

I had a chance to test her lovely products, Products are really good for the ones who loves botanic, vegan stuff.

Eg I can not use an architoke mask, while I can not even eat it as a vegetable.

She has 2 dogs and a black cat, her house was heaven for me that night.

As soon as I entered her living room, her black cat jumped on me,  she was lucky cos I adore animals,

We had lovely time with the kitty kat, she was all around my neck & shoulders, I was giving her nice kisses & strokes as a reward.

Actually her master said I do not even kiss my own dogs & cats how can you not kiss & cuddle this lovely baby. If she was my cat I would be possibly cuddling and sleeping with her.


So in short words meet kitty cat &Bailey the dog


Bailey enjoyed sitting on my lap, but was not that fun for me, he is a big boy and pretty heavy for me, He did not want to get up


Good Night :)


Good Night :)

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