Fashion Magazine

Good Intent

By Heidi @missfinn

The New Year is a fantastic time for setting an intent to make change or to set goals. True, you could do this at any time of the year, but there is something to be said for the power of a fresh start from January 1st. For the last few years, my husband and I have made a short list of mutual goals, made up simply of things we hope to achieve as a family throughout the year. On top of that we have both set our own personal goal for the year and it turns out they are very similar. Which is kind of nice, because if one of us is struggling, hopefully the other person will pick up on it and be there to offer support. We can learn from each other and offer advice too.
I know what your thinking though. You’re thinking, hmm, these goals sound a lot like “resolutions”, but I believe there is a difference! While a “resolution” may have been made with the best of intentions at the time, they usually end up failing due to the fact that it was probably unrealistic to begin with. Seriously! You know what I’m talk about! Setting an intention for change has a naturally positive connotation. I think the key to success with any change or goal is to be unwavering in your pursuit, to openly talk about your goal, to examine your fear, break it down and push through it and most importantly, to not give up on yourself if you have a set back. Be kind and loving to yourself. Brush yourself off and get back on that horse! You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

Wishing you a happy New Year and thank you for stopping by, for reading and for your comments and support over the last year. It’s why I keep doing what I do. May your year be filled with lots of love, joy, abundance, fantastic opportunities, hope, good health and prosperity.

love & light xo


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