The fourth photo above was taken at last year's Thanksgiving dinner in Paris. The first three were taken the day before I left New York. On January 10th, my mom reflected on the fact that neither she, myself, nor my younger sister had been able to enjoy it at home, so she decided to belatedly celebrate my favorite holiday. Gosh, do I love my mom. I may have figured out another reason I love Thanksgiving, too; it's one of the few days of the year I actively choose not to consider nutrition. No matter how much travel has inspired me with alternative approaches, I suppose I'll always be American in this way. I can be okay with that though. "Good food" can have a place in my diet, just as long as I leave enough room for other good food. Especially being that it's National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDA) Week, I sincerely hope you're able to do the same.