I have this particular fascination with cheeseburger (or even just plain burger) flavoured crisps. If I see a packet, no matter how obscure the brand, then I HAVE to try it. This is less to do with burger being my favorite flavor of crisp (because it's not!), and more to do with the fact that it's still quite an unusual and hard to find flavor. Tell me I'm not alone in this? If there is a certain hard to find flavor (of any type of snack) that you can't resist buying if you see it then I'd love to hear about it!
Anyway it's no surprise that I picked up these Golden Wonder Quarter Backs as soon as I saw them in my local newsagent. Here we have a distinctly British view of American culture portrayed via a crisp packet. It's all about those cheeseburger eating Quarterbacks.

I'm sure that the imposing and athletic figure of a quarterback is a very hard image to recreate using the medium of a corn puff snack. But I was still bemused to find that these look more like stick men performing lethargic star jumps. The Cheeseburger flavor here is surprising. It has none of that sweet gherkin and relish flavor that usually dominates a burger crisp. This one is more of a straight up beef and cheddar affair. They taste like a mash up of a Roast Beef Monster Munch and a cheesy puff. Quite tasty but not a true cheeseburger flavor.
Grocery Gems Verdict: Golden Wonder Quarter Backs
RATING: 7 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition: 114 calories (per 22g pack)
Vegetarian: Yes.
Purchased: Newsagent.
Price: £0.20p each! Takes me back to when all crisps cost about 20p a pack!