Lifestyle Magazine

Going Back to Basics

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture
Going Back to Basics

When I started Lex Loves Couture almost three years ago my goal was to share how to wear fashion and beauty trends in an affordable way. That was it. It was simple and it worked. At least once a week, I would get someone telling me that they loved my tips and were going to try them. I loved when an aunt would tell me she bought a trend at my suggestion or when an old friend from college or high school told me how they read my blog religiously and to keep the posts coming. That was enough.

In the past year or so, I became so consumed with getting noticed and bringing Lex Loves Couture to the "next level" that I stepped away from the formula that made it great. I started posting about celebrities or buzz worthy stories more than I talked about fashion and beauty. I know why I did it. At the end of the day, a post about Kim Kardashian is going to drive more traffic than a post about red lipstick.

But really, why should that matter? If the quality is gone, who cares how much traffic my site gets? If the message is lost, what purpose does it serve?

When coming to a decision about whether or not to go back to the original format, I took a look at my traffic and noticed something interesting. You guys were reading my recent style posts almost double the amount you were reading my celebrity posts. A post about what is needed for everyday makeup that I wrote over two years ago gets a hit almost daily from Google. Then I came to a realization, if I had just trusted my original path who knows where I would be now?

Just like anything else, quality over quantity is always best. I would rather have 10 steady readers who love my site over 100 random readers who stumbled across my site with no intentions of coming back. You guys are the ones who matter most. It is you who has kept me going for the past three years!

I am sorry to my readers for getting off track. From now on, the original goal of Lex Loves Couture to bring relatable stories about how to look fabulous on a budget will be my primary focus. You will no longer see any salacious or celebrity stories on this site. What is old is new again and I hope all of my readers will join me on this journey. I'm excited for Lex Loves Couture 2.0!

Thanks for reading fashionistas!

Going Back to Basics

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