Love & Sex Magazine

God Is In The Hard Place

By Loveandgrace @loveandgrace20

Christian Single Hard PlaceHave you ever been in a hard place where you just couldn’t see God? Your circumstance didn’t feel like God, or look like God, or sound like God. You assume God could not be the author of your current position, so you pray asking God to reposition you. You must be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As you read through the pages of the Bible you will find that you are not the only one to feel this way. Was God in the pit with Joseph? Was God in the furnace with the Hebrew boys? Was God in the prison with Paul and Silas?

You better believe He was.

A lonely pit, a scorching furnace, and harsh prisons are not locations where you expect to find God. You wouldn’t think that between a rock and hard place is where God would ever want you to be. We are not inclined to believe that God has any part of a hard place, but if you call Him in that place, don’t be surprised when He answers.

God often reveals His identity and glory in those very places. He wants us to see His power and the essence of who He is. In the hard place we become more familiar with God.

If we lived a life without difficulty we would look for God less often.

Your hard place just might be the right place, in spite of how it feels. Our hard places are stepping stones to knowing God better, finding direction, and receiving blessings beyond what we can ask or think.  

The hard place may be a mystery right now. You may not see God right now. But take comfort in knowing that He is there. In the hardest and darkest place, the light of Jesus still shines bright.

Our pits, prisons, and fiery furnaces will not hold us forever. Eternal hardship is not the plan. At the appointed time, the God who sustains you on the inside, will bring you out. #Jesus


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