My subsequent foray into red lipstick took place in sixth grade. I had watched Gone With the Wind during winter break and was obsessed with Scarlett O'Hara's scarlet lips. A few days before school resumed, I began casing Mom's makeup drawer, searching for the perfect shade of red to make my middle school color debut. I finally settled on a deep mahogany Rouge a Levres from Christian Dior. After getting dropped off at school, I scuttled into the bathroom, pulled out the blue porcelain tube, and fervidly glossed my lips. Double coat. I stepped into first period science class feeling taller and prettier. A few of my gal pals looked at me with blank stares, not yet ready to process my new look. My guy friends, on the other hand, drew their guns quickly and swiftly. They whispered, giggled, and a soft but growing chant of "Bloody Mary" erupted from their mouths. The bordeaux backlash had begun. I sat there for a moment, wondering whether I should wipe off the lipstick and conform to the flesh colored Lip Smackers coated lips of my peers, or stand my ground. I stood with red and stayed true to my color. The teasing stopped after a day but my love for red continues to this day.
The Bloody Mary incident served as a pivotal moment of self-realization. I realized when it comes to beauty and style, I don't and won't let the reactions of others influence my choices. Because when it comes to personal style, it's all about me.

{Notable Reds}
Smashbox "Be Legendary"
Dior Rouge Dior Lipcolor "Blazing Red"
Too Faced La Creme Color "Stiletto Red"
Wet "n" Wild Mega Last Lip Cover "Cherry Picking"
{Lip Stains}
Revlon Just Bitten "Romantic"
YSL Glossy Stain "28"
{Lip Gloss}
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar "Harlot"
Korres Long Wearing Lip Gloss "Fuschia"
NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream "Plush Red"
{live fabulously}