Art & Design Magazine

Go Big Or Go Home!

By Ukstreetart @ukstreetart

This is a post dedicated to my friend and artist, Skema, and his “Go Big or Go Home” ethic.

Skee has been into the scene since the mid 1980′s and painting and airbrushing on motorbikes and motorbike helmets which was where he originally gained some notoriety for himself but he always loved his graff and never lost his passion for it and in the last year or so has switched back over onto walls and canvas and I now, often, get the opportunity to watch him work.

fuels 045wm Go Big or Go Home!
jam time 116awm 460x202 Go Big or Go Home!

The above photo is of the first piece that I ever got to see by Skema and as you can probably see for yourselves he loves nothing more than putting up a huge, banging character hence his phrase “Go Big or Go Home”. Another thing that has to be said is that I’ve never seen a writer create such a huge piece as he does in such a short amount of time. He is like lightning.

FDO 092wm 460x353 Go Big or Go Home!

(Seriously smokin’ this one)

NAB Tour 006wm Go Big or Go Home!

TRUE FACT: Skema was taught his airbrushing skills by the same guy that did all the airbrushing on the original “Alien” film alongside H.R. Giger (the Swiss surrealist painter, sculptor, and set designer).

binty jam 006wm 460x229 Go Big or Go Home!
sheldon 572wm 460x323 Go Big or Go Home!

We all know about some of the amazing artwork that comes out of places such as Bristol, London, Brighton etc. but you would be surprised at what some of the artists in the West Midlands can create – absolute screamers and burners!

tam jam 122wm 460x281 Go Big or Go Home!

Over the coming months I plan on sharing loads of different artists work with you from all over the West Midlands, UK but the reason that I’ve chosen to do a specific post about Skema is because he’s my closest friend in the graff world and the fact that he’s a thoroughly nice guy and a bit of a character! I think that’s probably why he chooses to paint classic cartoon characters from time to time?

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(The above shot is one of the characters from the classic cartoon “Battle of the Planets”)

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(And everyone must remember Lion-O from Thundercats … Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats HOOOOOOO!!!)

sheldon 557wm 460x677 Go Big or Go Home!

Skema, the man, the myth, the Legend that always has a cigarette in his mouth and his ass crack hanging out whilst painting! LOL

If you do wish to see anymore shots of graff and street art then you can visit my Facebook page

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