If you’ve been following the blog for a while you know that we discovered a few months ago that our son has an intolerance to gluten. You may remember my nightmarish episode in Lisbon when I attempted to find him a gluten free pizza while on vacation with my sister.

I’m someone that really loves to travel, whether it be locally or internationally. I have to be honest and say that I wasn’t prepared for how going gluten free would impact our family’s travel plans.
There is a lot of research involved, a lot of misconceptions and a lot of fear. That’s right…fear.
People with celiac’s disease or a gluten intolerance can have reactions to even the slightest particle of gluten. This reaction isn’t always immediate but it can have detrimental effects on these people’s health. In some ways, I think I could handle this whole situation better if it was happening to ME, but it is not, it is happening to my baby. My little guy, who at the time we found out wasn’t really talking or communicating….oh and he also wasn’t growing!
One of the first noticeable effects of a gluten intolerance in children is their inability to put on weight and grow. But I am so glad to say that in the last few months that he has been gluten free, he has grown so much and SO FAST! He’s happier, healthier and overall I’ve seen such huge positive changes in him.

Its grape juice… I promise!
Gluten Free in Milan!
This blog was started as a way to document all of the reasons I had to dress up as a new stay at home turned work at home mom. I was amazed at all the events and outings I could bring my son to and how easy it is to travel as a family in Italy.
Since our whole family has gone gluten free there has been a huge adjustment to the things we are now able to do. I can’t just pack a bag and the car and head into the mountains for a day unless I know there are safe and adequate places where my son can eat. However, with a bit of research (in Italian) I have found SO MANY gluten free options in Italy!! This country is like a gluten free paradise.

So I’m going to dedicate a little bit of space to my gluten free discoveries on the blog with my very first series : Gluten Free in Milan. I’ve gone ahead and done all of the research in Italian, made all the telephone calls to the restaurants, cafes and hotels in ITALIAN and actually gone and eaten there with my family, and now I will share it all with you.
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I went to Milan in December to celebrate my 7 year anniversary in Italy. I wrote all about how I ended up in Italy here and why I choose Milan in this post…it is long and proves that I am just a little crazy!
Our weekend was incredible, and despite dealing with a nation wide services strike we managed to do so many amazing things like visit DaVinci’s Last Supper, the Duomo of Milan and the Sforzesco Castle! We also ate at a number of fabulous gluten free restaurants.

Shared from my Instagram account @reasonstodress
The first few weeks of January I’ll be blogging all about Milan, and I hope you enjoy my gluten free blog posts. Please note that ALL of the restaurants and the hotel have “normal” food also, and many offered vegetarian and vegan options.
So, if you’ve always wanted to visit Italy, but were worried you wouldn’t find a place to eat, this is the series for you!

One of the places I’ll be blogging about over January…. Tigella’s gluten free “Gnocco” and “tigelle”, both are traditional street food from the Emilia Romagna region.
Follow Along – @GlutenfreeinItaly
To celebrate this new chapter of our lives and share a little more about being Gluten Free in Italy, I’ve started a few new social media outlets for all things GF. If you are reading this and you have Celiac’s Disease or an intolerance to gluten but you’ve always wanted to visit Italy, please feel free to follow along.
On these social networks I will be sharing much more detailed information over the next few months like recipes, places to stay, where to eat, guides and other resources and blogs for GF travelers coming to Italy.
Twitter – @gfinitaly
Instagram – @glutenfreeinitaly
Facebook – Gluten Free in Italy
Pinterest – GF in Italy
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