Entertainment Magazine

Glassbooks: Dancers In Casts

Posted on the 18 March 2015 by Hctf @hctf
Glassbooks: Dancers In Casts

Scottish post-punk quartet Glassbooks came up with a rather good EP last year. It took them some time to come up with a follow-up and it's only one song. On the upside: the new single Dancers In Casts contains many first for the band, like inserting a few lines of Spanish into the lyrics and using different moods within the space of a single track.

They are young band who don't follow the rules, but create their own text book as they go along. Poetry embedded in adventurous yet accessible music. Can somebody wake up the guys at the UK music rags? They are missing out.

David Escudero King: vocals, guitar
Adam Carrington: guitar
Stuart Fraser: bass
Darren Wilkie: drums

Dancers In Casts is a self-released single. Buy it (pay-what-you-want) from their website.

» Glassbooks on Facebook

HCTF review of the Deluge EP.

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