Books Magazine

Giving Literary Thanks, Year 3

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the U.S. So, for each of the last three years, I’ve paused and given thanks to many things book related.

Let’s revisit that tradition today.

In 2014, I’m thankful for:

Creative authors. Those authors who are more creative than screenwriters and manage to do more than just pump out the same superhero movies every 3 years.

Editors. I probably thank them too much. No, I don’t. I love editors. They take poop and turn it into gold.

A perfectly placed comma. Few things in reading are better than seeing a writer who knows how to use a comma and uses it well.

Harper Lee. I don’t care if she only wrote one book. It was a freakin’ awesome one book.

Twitter. It gets a bad rap sometimes, but I love Twitter. It’s where I get all my book-related news, my sports-related news. It’s where I’ve connected with other writers and bloggers. In my experience, it’s much more useful than Facebook. You can follow me on Twitter or like my 101 Books Facebook page.

My wife. I have to mention her every year, because she puts up with me, and listens to my ramblings about books or, right now, my own book project. She’s a keeper.

Cold weather. I don’t care what you summer people say, cold weather is the best weather for reading. A hot drink, fireplace, and a good book while it’s snowing outside? You can’t beat that!

BJ Novak. Kind of random, yes, but he wrote an awesome kids’ book that my four year old loves.

Football. Because, sorry guys, I won’t be reading on Thanksgiving. I’ll be watching football—and eating of course.

C.S. Lewis. He wrote The Chronicles of Narnia and, one day, I’ll read that whole series to my boys. I can’t wait.

Food. Because it goes well with books. Especially mashed potatoes. Heaven is a plate of mashed potatoes.

Red wine. Because it goes well with books. Especially Pinot Noir.

You Guys. Because you’re all avid readers who love reading about books and talking about books, and that’s why 101 Books exists! Thank you!

Thanks again to all of you for making 101 Books a cool place to hang out. You can take a look back at my prior Thanksgiving posts if you are so inclined. Here’s 2012 and 2013.

I won’t be posting tomorrow and Friday because of the Thanksgiving holidays. See you on Monday!

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