This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GiftingAMemory #CollectiveBias
There’s something about scents that can take you back to a specific moment or remind you of a special person. You can walk by someone in a crowd of people and smell their perfume or cologne and instantly be reminded of the person who wears that scent. When my husband went to basic training and then left for deployment, I kept his bottle of cologne with me so I could spray it on my pillowcase or just spray it in the air when I missed him. It was like a calming mechanism for me; it made me feel at ease and brought back the feeling of butterflies. And even when he wears it now it reminds me of the time we spent apart but also takes me back to the beginning. When we first fell in love

We also did it the other way around; I would spray my perfume on the letters I sent him and spray a bandana sealed in a baggy. This way, he could open up the bag and smell the bandana whenever he missed me or wanted to think of home. He used to say that the other guys always knew when he was getting a letter from me… they could smell it a mile away!
Giving gifts around the holidays is fun, but can sometimes be stressful when you don’t know what to get someone. I saw a ton of great COTY Holiday Gift Sets at Walmart and thought it would be fun to give my husband one for Christmas. With all of the traveling he does it would be nice to have something to remind me of him when I missed him. And it would be a nice gift for him… win win!
Here’s how I do it:
Spray a piece of fabric, clothing, bandana, anything cloth.
Wrap it tightly in a plastic baggy making sure to get all of the extra air out.
You can even double bag it if you want to make sure you keep the scent in!

I love that a simple scent can remind me of such good times and make me fell all warm and fuzzy inside again. I know my husband will love this gift set and I know that it will come in handy when we’re forced to be apart the next time

Do any specific scents remind you of a special time or a special someone?