Life Coach Magazine

Give And Start Living

By Rusty @russellpurkiss

Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give. –Eleanor Roosevelt

Give And Start Living
Love isn’t meant in your heart to stay, Love isn’t love until you give it away!  I love this little poem! And it is so true, so often we can tend to look at what we don’t have, how we feel that we are missing out or don’t have what we think we deserve! But really, how often do we look at what we are giving out?  Only by doing so can we find out just why we are lacking!  It is a fact that the more you give the more you tend to receive!

So many are miserable because they do not feel loved, don’t have all that they wish they would like to have, but few attempt to give others the love that they would so desperately need and would like to receive!  But really, if you spend more time loving, giving, and caring for others. you will begin to get back so much that it will literally blow you away!

Life is not meant to sit around just wishing you had or wanting more, life was meant to give,  knowing and trusting that what you give out will come back, undoubtedly in greater measure than you give.  Holding back and being reserved will only bring on depression and misery.  So if you want to really live, start giving today!

Merry Christmas!  Are you giving? Only by doing so will you receive!

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