Fashion Magazine

Give a Frock Friday

By Heidi @missfinn

rachel weisz_craig mcdean_vogue july 2008I thought this picture perfect in light of yesterday being Halloween and all. My girls adore Halloween, they always have and yet it’s hard to understand why because one year we reluctantly took them out trick or treating and it was a disaster because our neighbours were completely unprepared, one even yelled out to us that they had no candy and to not even bother! Halloween is slowly becoming something Aussies are beginning to embrace – although rather begrudgingly, I think it’s mostly because of marketing at supermarkets. Well, that and the fact that kids love any opportunity to play dress up!

At first glance it appears as if Rachel Weisz is wearing a frock, but actually it is a bright red Giles knit sweater and skirt. She was photographed for a trick-or-treat themed Vogue editorial in July 2008 by Craig McDean.

This weekend is going to be busy, but in a wonderful way because we are celebrating my hubby’s birthday (a milestone one) and one of my gorgeous girlfriends is flying up from Sydney to spend the weekend with us  - I’m on a mission to make this birthday memorable, no matter how much he wants to let it slip past unnoticed!

So wherever you are, I hope you have a wonderful weekend xo

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