From Odd Society Spirits comes their "Ginger" not a beer but an alcoholic Ginger Beer. This Ginger Beer pours a very light yellow colour with a small head that dissipates quickly. The aroma consists of ginger, candy sugar, citrus, with a small bite in the end. The flavour is of ginger, lemon, lime, candy sugar, pepper spice bite with maybe a hint of white wine. The alcohol content comes in at 4%. This is quite reminiscent of a non alcoholic Ginger Beer with a bit more citrus notes. I could drink a ton of these!
Commercial Description: Sharp on the tongue and straight to the point, Ginger by Odd Society Spirits is the real deal. This locally crafted ginger beer, made with fermented organic sugar and fresh ginger, is extremely refreshing with a satisfying finish. Simply made with water, organic sugar, yeast, chilli peppers, dried orange peel, and fresh ginger...