Arts & Crafts Magazine

Giant Outdoor Chalkboard

By Vixenmade @vixenMade

How was everyone's weekend?  
I enjoyed a relaxing long weekend celebrating Canada Day.  We even got a few things done in the meantime.
Like the outdoor chalkboard that I've been pining after for over a year.  I have been wanting to put one up for the kids since last year, but since the boys were still small it wasn't as much of a priority.  
Anyways, here it is!

Giant Outdoor Chalkboard
It was so easy, too!
My husband bought a large plywood sheet and primed the entire surface.

Giant Outdoor Chalkboard
Then rolled a few coats of the chalkboard paint over it.
Giant Outdoor Chalkboard
And hung it up!
Giant Outdoor Chalkboard
Giant Outdoor Chalkboard
It's easy to clean up, just spray it down with a hose!
Giant Outdoor Chalkboard
Giant Outdoor Chalkboard
My little artists love to draw, so it's perfect for outdoors.
Giant Outdoor Chalkboard
And since we don't have much for sidewalks, it's perfect for the large sidewalk chalk.
Giant Outdoor Chalkboard
Giant Outdoor Chalkboard

What projects did you complete this past weekend?

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