Lifestyle Magazine

Getting Your Legs Ready to Glow

By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd
Getting your Legs Ready to Glow
With summer here, it is more than likely that you will be getting your legs out at some point or another so I have put together my top tips for getting your pins summer-ready. With a good routine and so simple tricks your legs will be super smooth, glowing, supple and soft.
First up, a good exfoliation, I have three DIY recipes here, here and here, will get your legs super smooth by getting rid of all the dry skin and ready for moisture absorption. One of my favorite ways to do this at the moment is with an exfoliating glove which really helps slough off the dead skin. It is also said to increase blood flow, helping with skin regeneration and water retention. 
Next up is hair removal, in recent times shaving has been proven to not be that great for you, plus it is time consuming and the results don't last that long. Instead, I have been epilating with the Philips Satin Touch Epilator which is a little like a tweezer pulling out all your like hairs. Now, I am not going to lie, it's pretty painful but you soon get used to it and the pain lessens each time. The biggest benefits of this are that it pulls the hair out from the root so it grows back thinner (and doesn't remove a tan!), and grow back time is around a month for me. 
Finally, moisturise! The most important step for me as I seem to have dry legs all year round no matter how much I do! The new E45 lotions are really intensive, providing a lot of moisture and really helping to smooth out your skin. There are loads in the range for different skin types but the ones that I have been testing, Nourish&Restore* and Intense Recovery* have been helping to make my skin super smooth and my legs #ReadytoGlow. I apply them morning and night, and am particularly loving that they don't have a scent for those times that you don't feel like smelling like you have rolled around in fruit! A daily gradual tan can also help the illusion of slimmer legs and add a nice glow without having the worry of orange marks everywhere, a much safer option than fake tan! I would recommend the St. Tropez Gradual Tan for an all over, natural looking glow that doesn't have that tell-tale digestive biscuit scent.
That's me done, what are your summer leg must-haves? 

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