Editor’s Note: This is a contribution from Tasha Mearns
For thousands of years humanity co-existed with nature and with our Earth. We learned from her. We watched the trees grow and tapped into their expanding wisdom and presence. We watched nature with an ever-present eye…we were true to ourselves and our intentions were pure. We learned of the precious, limited time we had to experience and most importantly we had respect. We respected our animal friends, our humble teachers. They taught us to live in the moment, to switch off from the egoic mind-set and to be at peace with ourselves. We watched on, as our intimate villages and families began to grow. From birth to death, as we were granted the gift of life, new souls came in, our relatives and friends began to leave. We did not mourn, we rejoiced. Life is but a temporary gift, a glimpse of beauty and the experience to grow and learn. The cycle of life is never a permanent thing, modern day man clings to his life and lives in constant fear of death. This is such an unnatural way of living. There is nothing to fear. When man understands his kindred relationship with the eternal, he will laugh at the unnecessary, wasted energy he put into fearing the inevitable.
As my mind returns to the present reality, I am saddened. We have lost so much of ourselves. The intuitive gifts we once cherished have all but disappeared under the vast illusion of material gain. Our sacred connection with Earth and with all life has weakened. As people litter the streets with their waste and dump their unwanted material possessions into the Earth’s streams, they remain completely unaware of the damaging and lasting effect their actions hold. People no longer watch the trees with the same mystery and respect as our ancestors once did. The oxygen which is gifted to us from the trees now goes unnoticed, as people prefer to obsess over the illusion of pop culture and celebrity worship. The true reality of nature and life lives on, weakened and disregarded. No longer do we stop to watch and learn from our animal friends and no longer do we kill them for survival. They are caged into suffering, so cruelly refused their freedom to live as they wish to live. The present-day meat industry is just another vile example of our backwards society.
Man is no longer living in his natural state, we have become a cancer to the Earth. Those in power are to blame since they have assumed control and with this control comes great responsibility. They have the power to change everything. These people must be aware that they are making these ignorant decisions on behalf of every man, woman, child, and animal on this planet and they are providing a bleak future for generations to come. They have forgotten what it means to be human. A true, conscious human being would never rip apart our planet and drain her for the sake of money and power.
Some of us may not want to admit it but we are children of the Earth. Born out of nature, given the opportunity to experience the beauty within her great blue aura. Every moment is a gift. As children of the Earth, we have a responsibility to cherish, heal and protect our Mother. The great spirit of the Earth watches over us from the minute we are born to the day we take our last breathe. She is present in everything. She is our home, she is our provider. We must never take her for granted. She is vital to the evolution of our species. The delicate ecosystems of our planet provide us with all we need to live happy, healthy lives. Let’s not sell ourselves short by being sucked into these ridiculous ideologies of modern man’s unfounded and dangerous logic. So if you feel how I feel and you see how I see, make it your mission to bring about change. Help people to step out of their ignorance, the Earth is our one common ground. It’s time to awaken to our true potential.
“Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the Earth is our mother.” – Chief Seattle, 1855
Tasha Mearns is a 22 year old visionary and rainbow warrior. In her own words, “We need to help people understand the fragility of our Earth and her ecosystems. The damage can no longer be ignored, it’s time to take action.”
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