I don’t know about you, but when my house is untidy, I just can’t relax. I don’t mean that my home has to be in über-clean condition, but if there’s mess covering my surfaces, my mind feels just as messy and I really want to tidy up before I can get started on my work. Maybe I’m just procrastinating, (probably!) but life definitely feels easier and I’m considerably happier when everything has its place. Thankfully my lovely friend Anna Jones has shared an article with me about finding storage space out of thin-air; who knew I had so much spare space to stash my mess! Here’s her top tips for getting creative with storage space:
There’s nothing worse than living in a cramped, cluttered and overcrowded environment. Life’s hard enough without being able to come home and relax in your own space. However, by following just a few quick and easy space saving tips and a bit of elbow grease, you can transform your home into a spacious, palatial environment to rush back to.
Photo courtesy of: savvysugar.com
To turn your home around, start looking at the space around you from a different point of view - get to know all the nooks and crannies above every door and at the back of every alcove. These are your nuggets of gold; your bonus storage spaces!
Now put them to good use… any space no matter how small can be used to tuck away those pesky items that clutter up your workspace. Understair and wall shelving can be used to tidy up all the bits and bobs you’ve collected over the years and help to create a colourful display out of all your treasured possessions.
Photos courtesy of ej-fransem.com & mykansascitymommy.com
If you have high ceilings try using just a few pins and string to secure those forever unfurling pieces of wrapping paper overhead, neatly packed away with easy access. A simple solution, but so effective!
If all else fails it’s time to make a cull! Don’t be afraid to get rid of those larger space hording items such as that dresser you inherited from your aunt that you never use (or ever really liked). There are numerous sites out there that can help you find a pretty penny for these items (try Ebay for a start!) and furniture transport companies can deliver them in one piece. Before you know it you’ll be rid of old Aunt Margaret’s dresser and have gained an extra square foot of space or two. Use the proceeds of your sales to opt for simple, functional yet stylish furniture. An excellent example is this floating shelf that provides an elegant solution to storage with a built-in bike rack – without pinching any precious floor space! How cool is this?!
Photo courtesy of: ivillage.com
Now sit back, put your feet up, pour a glass of wine and enjoy your craftily created haven of space… Thanks to Anna for sharing all these funky space-saving ideas. It’s inspired me to get on with my spring cleaning (a bit late, I know!) and I’ve ordered a click ‘n’ clean kit from Dunelm Mill, so I’ll wait for that to arrive before I start
More interiors articles:
- Inspirations for a retro living room – the wallpaper is finally up! (cassiefairy.com)
- An old armchair rescued (cassiefairy.com)
- Inspirations for a retro living room: Soft Furnishings (cassiefairy.com)
- Interior design inspirations: Finn Juhl (cassiefairy.com)
- Have you ever seen anything as retro as this? (cassiefairy.com)