Fashion Magazine

Get Toned for the Holidays with These Fun Ab Moves

By Swimsuitsdirect @Swimsuitsdirect

Crunches — they’re kind of boring and as it turns out, not as useful as you want them to be for toning and flattening your abs. If you want to whittle your waist in time for the holidays, but can’t bear the thought of doing another crunch, it’s time to try something else. Variety is the spice of life when it comes to exercise, so jazz up your abdominal routine with some or all of these moves.

Standing Side to Sides

If the thought of a flat stomach by New Years makes you want to dance, try this move. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart. Bend your arms at the elbow, then lift up your left arm, leaning your upper body over to the right side.

Your right shoulder should move so that it’s just above your left hip. Lean back the other direction, lifting your right arm up and leaning over to the left side. When doing this move, only your upper body should be in motion. Keep everything from your hips down still.

Hip Rotations

Tone your abs and look like a belly dancer with this next move, hip rotations. Place your feet together and stand with your arms over your head. Your elbows and knees should be soft, not locked.

Swirl your hips and your raised arms clockwise, rotating in a complete circle. Repeat eight to 10 times, then switch direction.

Reverse Bridgeand Leg Swing

Get down on the ground (or mat) for a move that will work your tummy, butt and thighs. Sit down on your butt, placing your feet flat on the ground in front of you, with your knees bent. Set your hands flat on the ground behind your hips and butt.

Push down on your hands, lifting your butt off of the mat. Lift your right leg foot up, straightening the leg. Keep your foot a few inches off of the ground. Now comes the fun part: swing your leg out to the right, then swing it back towards your left leg.

Bend the right leg at the knee as you lift your left hand of the ground. Bring your left hand towards your right foot, gently tapping them together. Place your hand back on the mat behind you and extend your leg again. Repeat eight to 10 times, then switch sides.

Weighted Camel

You’ll need a 5 or 10 pound hand weight or dumbbell for this next exercise. Kneel on the floor or mat with your legs parallel to each other and your toes tucked under your feet. Lift your thighs up so that you are standing in a kneel.

Hold the weight in both hands, so that it’s directly in front of your chest and is parallel with the floor. Inhale, then lean back as you exhale. Keep your body straight as you lean. Hold for a few seconds, then inhale and return yourself to an upright position.

Whether you’re jetting off to a sunny location and want to look great in a swimsuit this holiday season or simply want to fit into your jeans after the holidays are over, these abdominal exercises will make you excited about working out. All you need is a few minutes a day to get fantastic, toned abs.

With sexy abs, you can flaunt sexy bikinis when summer comes, just like this Network bikini by Becca.


For more bikini styles, check out Swimsuits Direct.

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