Hello ! Let's all get fit and healthy my people!!
Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A) is the warm up step for ashtanga yoga.
It can serve as a complete body workout without any equipment. It is a great comprehensive physical exercise.
Through the practice of sun salutation, one awakes the entire body, mind and soul.
Your focus is enhanced, your body build up heat, detox the body of all toxins,and prepare the body with safety for any other intense practice.
Do 5-10 reps of sun salutation A.
Move into downward and upward facing dog (10 reps)
Stretch you IT band and you are ready to go
If you have at least 20 mins, repeat at least 3 times. Do this sequence for a month every morning and night, and your body will never be the same.For all of you ladies and gents, I will like to inform you that I am officially finishing my certification course soon and I can't wait to share my yoga passion with everyone all over the world. Started like a dream come true and I have felt so many things, met so many inspiring teachers, mentors and lovers of life.Thus, I have created a page for my Yoga and Fitness journey as an instructor, guide, student and teacher.I am amazed by the number of emails I get from people for a workout plan and yoga plan.If you are thinking of getting fir for life, don't hesitate to send me a message. If you have a video request leave a comment below and please watch the video below and get started on your own healthy journey.