Credit cards offer you financial freedom. They also teach you fiscal responsibility. Credit cards for students are also an excellent way to build your credit history so that you have a good credit score by the time you start a job or need to take a loan in the future.
The needs of students are different from those of a working professional. Therefore, the terms on the credit cards for students will also differ from those offered to a working professional. Student credit cards often have a lower interest rate, zero or low annual fees and lower credit limits.
You only need to submit minimum documents to avail the credit card and may even eligible for special offers and discounts. But student credit cards also come with added conditions. Most banks require you to have a fixed deposit or a strong savings account. Some only offer add-on credit cards for students.
Best Credit Cards for Students
If you are a student looking to get your first credit card, then here are the best cards for students .
- You get a welcome bonus of 8000 reward points
- You can earn two reward points on every INR 100 spend on the card for all transactions
- You can also earn five times the reward points for spends on fuel, dining, entertainment, international spends and utility bill payments
- You get complimentary movie tickets worth a maximum of INR 200 when you buy two or more tickets on BookMyShow with RBL credit card payment