Family Magazine

Gems from the FPEA Homeschool Convention

By Upatdawn @lisakeva
Here's a few gems I'd like to share with you from our local homeschool convention.
Homeschool Programming - My son has almost completed Lesson 5 in his programming journey using Teen Coder C# from Homeschool Programming.  He has really enjoyed learning C# and being able to move at his own pace.
One section had my son a bit puzzled.  Fortunately, the FPEA Convention was just a couple of days away and Homeschool Programming had a booth!  Authors and Homeschooling parents', the Yust's are both very approachable people - so, my son got his question answered in person!
The nice thing with this program is that not only is it a great way to learn programming and get high school credit, but, the Yust's are available and willing to answer your student's questions if he/she gets stuck.  That's a HUGE sigh of relief for Mom's who know little about this electronic language!
Modesty Matters -  How do you teach your daughter to sew when you've never made much more than a pillowcase?  Answer:  Learn along side her!  I did the mental math in comparing this course with individual lessons at our local craft mega-store and found this to be a significant savings.  This was my splurge item for this year.
Analytical Grammar -  A Grammar curriculum that you don't have to do everyday with a pile of worksheets PLUS it sticks in your children's heads....Used with great success with child it's time for child #2!
My Father's World - Attended a seminar on how to occupy preschoolers while teaching olders.  I learned some great ideas plus got to see their Preschool "curriculum".  I'm not big on worksheets/text books for littles at all!  I liked this one for their hands-on activities with flippable cue card activities.  Considering this one for The Nip Napper.  My oldest (a high schooler) will be using their curriculum this year.
Piggy Paint - In the entrepreneurial area of the convention, I wandered into this girlie girls' delight!  Nail polish without all the awful toxins and icky smell!!  Got some as reading incentives for my daughter....ok, and a few for me too!
Great Products - Just a Great company with a variety of computer and hands on "stuff" for a Great price.  I see them every year and every year we find some Great treasures.  This year it was a cordless mouse, various reader rabbit software, marionette animal puppets, sling shots, bead loom....
College Plus - I'm still absorbing this one!  Earn college credit in high school without stepping foot on a campus of "higher learning" -or-  avoid the "college experience" with its' big price tag.  Wow!
And of course, I met so many wonderful homeschool families and got those batteries recharged for another great year!

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