Entertainment Magazine

Gar Francis: Shine On

Posted on the 15 March 2012 by Hctf @hctf

Gar Francis

NYC garage rocker Gar Francis has released a new EP, Shine On. He is a veteran who is capable of teaching snotty kids how to get a psychedelic rock groove going. With a slightly hoarse voice he gets things going with the Bowie-esqe title track before delving into the melancholic mid-tempo Back In 1985, with a right-in-the pocket harmonica part as the icing on the cake.

Blue Cadillac start out as a Fifties piano-thumper before bursting into a high energy rhythm & blues with a speeding guitar chasing the song into a frenzy. Tragedy is a breather about a serious subject (the homeless) with a twelve string bit that has a glimmer of Norwegian Wood I'm Still Alive, sings Francis in the final track. For lovers of garage rock, old and new, that's excellent news indeed.

Gar Francis: guitars, vocals
Mike Caruso: bass
Lee Fink: guitars
Kurt Reil: backing vocals
Myke Scavone: harmonica
Rocco Scavone: drums

Gar Francis: Shine On

Shine On is released on Bongo Boy Records. Buy it from CD Baby.

  1. Shine On
  2. Back In 1985
  3. Blue Cadillac
  4. Tragedy
  5. I'm Still Alive

» garfrancis.com

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